How to install Night mode or Dark mode button on Blogger

How to install Night mode or Dark mode button on Blogger,dark mode blogger template dark mode blogger

How to install Night mode or Dark mode button on Blogger

 How to install Night mode or Dark mode button on Blogger

How to install Night mode or Dark mode button on Blogger How to Make Night Mode on Blogger with Cookies . This time I will share a tutorial on how to create a night mode or dark mode button on Blogger with cookies.

Night Mode or Night Mode is one of the features used to change the appearance of your blog template to look dark, for example, on the blog, which I have installed Night Mode. you can press the night mode button in the right corner of the header.

How To Make A Night Mode Button Or Night Mode On Blogger

  • First, first open your blogger account and enter the Dashboard menu
  • Select Theme or Template => Edit HTML
  • Please find the code </head> 
  • Then copy the code below and place it above the code.


/* Button Dark Mode */ 

.modedark{display:inline-block;float: right;margin-top: 3px;position:absolute;right:45px;top: 0;z-index:999;} .modedark svg{ width:24px; height:24px; vertical-align: -5px; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; content: ''; } .modedark svg path{ fill:#fff; } .modedark .check:checked ~ .NavMenu{ opacity:1; visibility:visible; top:45px; min-width:200px; transition:all .3s ease; z-index:2; } .iconmode { cursor: pointer; display: block; padding: 8px; background-position: center; transition: all .5s linear; } .iconmode:hover{ border-radius: 100px; background: rgba(0,0,0,.2) radial-gradient(circle, transparent 2%, rgba(0,0,0,.2) 2%) center/15000%; } .check { display: none; } .modedark .iconmode .openmode{ display:block; } .modedark .iconmode .closemode{ display:none; } .modedark .check:checked ~ .iconmode .openmode{ display:none; } .modedark .check:checked ~ .iconmode .closemode{ display:block; }.Night {background: #353535;}


Now just put the Night Mode button, for example in the header or it's up to you where you want to install it.

To put it in the header, please find the following code </header> 

<div class='modedark'><input class='check' id='modedark' title='Mode Dark' type='checkbox'/> <label class='iconmode' for='modedark'> <svg class='openmode' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M12,18C11.11,18 10.26,17.8 9.5,17.45C11.56,16.5 13,14.42 13,12C13,9.58 11.56,7.5 9.5,6.55C10.26,6.2 11.11,6 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69Z'/></svg> <svg class='closemode' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M14.3,16L13.6,14H10.4L9.7,16H7.8L11,7H13L16.2,16H14.3M20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69M10.85,12.65H13.15L12,9L10.85,12.65Z'/></svg> </label> </div> 

Next look for the code </body>  , then copy the code below and place it on top of the code.

<script type='text/javascript'>

After that save the theme and check the results.

Video tutorial

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