How to install Responsive Breaking News Ticker in Blogger

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How to install Responsive Breaking News Ticker in Blogger

 Responsive Breaking News Ticker

breaking news ticker for blogger

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News Ticker widget is essential for news Blog. However there are many Blogs from different niches are still using News Ticker. 

This widget will give your visitors a quick idea about your latest posts. News Ticker widget smoothly works on any Blogger template. And you will see the latest Blog post’s headlines are swiping one by one magically. 

In this tutorial i will show you, how to add automated breaking news ticker for blogger.

Where you place it? Some webmasters like to show breaking news ticker on top of page and under of navigation menu. if you willing to add this breaking news ticker on your blog, then firstly choice the place where you want to put it.

How to Display  Breaking News Ticker

Here are simple steps to adding this Responsive Breaking News Ticker for blogspot blogger blog.

Save your template and see a live breaking news bar at the top of your blogger blog. Enjoy!

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