Image to WebP Format Converter Tool For Blogger

WebP is a relatively new image format with good compression and image quality, but is not yet supported by all web browsers and image viewers. If you

Image to WebP Format Converter Tool For Blogger

 Image to WebP Format Converter Tool For Blogger

Image to WebP Format Converter Tool For Blogger

WebP is a relatively new image format with good compression and image quality, but is not yet supported by all web browsers and image viewers. If you have a picture in WebP format and you want to convert it to more common JPG format, this tool is one of the simplest ways to do it.

WebP images are smaller than their JPEG and PNG counterparts—usually on the magnitude of a 25–35% reduction in filesize. This decreases page sizes and improves performance.

WebP is an excellent replacement for JPEG, PNG, and GIF images. In addition, WebP offers both lossless and lossy compression. In lossless compression no data is lost. Lossy compression reduces file size, but at the expense of possibly reducing image quality.

Convert images to WebP

This WebP converter lets you convert your images to the WebP format from Google. Upload your file , The file will be converted instantly and you can download the WebP image as soon as it has been converted.

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Verify WebP usage #

Lighthouse can be used to verify that all images on your site are being served using WebP. Run the Lighthouse Performance Audit (Lighthouse > Options > Performance) and look for the results of the Serve images in next-gen formats audit. Lighthouse will list any images that are not being served in WebP.

Video Tutorial

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