How To Create SEO Friendly Permalinks For Blogger Posts

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How To Create SEO Friendly Permalinks For Blogger Posts

Before I discuss about How To Create SEO Friendly Permalinks For Blogger Posts , it helps me explain a little about what is permalink? permalink is actually an abbreviation of permanent link or permanent link, which is a permanent url link owned by each blog page or site as a reference that can be used by internet users to more easily find or access the location of the url address of the article in question.

How To Create SEO Friendly Permalinks For Blogger Posts


Talking about blogs, we can't be far from SEO topics. Whatever our goal in blogging, whether it just wants to make writing so that others can read, or want to monetize Blogs, SEO remains a matter that must be taken into account. 

In addition to good quality content , one of the factors that can increase the added value of our Blog in search engines is to make the most of Permalink. 


As I mentioned earlier. This permalink is a permanent link. If referring to the practice, this permalink can also be called a Url link . For example:
 for the title of the article Impacts 


A good permalink should:
  1. Short
  2. Can explain the contents of a post or page
  3. Using a small letter
  4. Create manually / custom
  5. Use dash (-) instead of space


Making permalinks with the right portion can increase traffic on our Blog. Although it looks trivial and often overlooked, making permalink is a component that must be considered.
That's It; Enjoy, Happy Blogging!
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