Download the Latest Config PUBG Mobile No Lag Smooth Extreme

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Download the Latest Config PUBG Mobile No Lag Smooth Extreme

Download the Latest Config PUBG Mobile No Lag Smooth Extreme

Latest PUBG Mobile Config Collection No Lag - With this opportunity I will share a PUBG Mobile config that I normally use when playing PUBG Mobile.

Using this Config can help you to get a good and smooth Grapich game without lag and can also be used for low HP specifications.

Also, be aware that to be able to play this PUBG Mobile Game, you must have a decent HP specification and also Tencent Sebegai.

Well, the way to avoid playing PUBG Mobile is to use a Config, using the config on a cellphone that has the specifications below can play PUBG games in a stable manner and without any lagging interruptions.

Well, here are some Config lists that I will share with you and you can use yourself.

Download the Latest Config PUBG Mobile No Lag

Please select the config below as you wish, friend, and don't worry at the end of this post, I will give a tutorial on how to install the PUBG Mobile config.

Config PUBG Mobile Smooth Graphics
  1. Snooth graphics + Frame Rate Smooth Extreme 60FPS + Style Realist No Lag - Download
  2. Graphic Smooth + Ultra 40FPS Frame Rate + Realistic Style - Download
  3. Graphic Smooth + High 30FPS Frame Rate + Realistic Style - Download
Config PUBG HD Graphics
  1. Graphic HD + Frame Rate Smooth Extreme 60FPS + Realistic Style No Lag - Download
  2. Graphic HD + Frame Rate Ultra 40 FPS + Realistic Style - download
  3. Graphic HD + High 30 FPS Frame Rate + Realistic Style - download

How to Install PUBG Mobile Config

As I said at the end of this article I will tell my friends how to install this PUBG Mobile config. Now after downloading the config above as desired, the last step is installing config.

Before installing, it would be nice for you to backup UserCustom.ini data first, this step aims to avoid failures that for example will occur.
  1. Look for the config file that you have downloaded on your cellphone.
  2. And also make sure the name of the config you download: UserCustom.ini
  3. If the name of the config you have downloaded is different, change it.
  4. And do Copy / Copy the config file and move it to the Android / data / com.tencent.ig / files / UE4Game / ShadowTrackerExtra / ShadowTrackerExtra / Saved / Config / Android folder
  5. Done and good luck.

Thus this short article about Download the Latest Config PUBG MOBILE No Lag for Free . If you have questions, please comment below, friend, that's all, and thank you.
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