Latest Updated Premium Twitter Card Meta tag 2023 for Blogger

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Latest Updated Premium Twitter Card Meta tag 2023 for Blogger

Twitter card meta tags for blogger

When you share links on social media platforms, they’ll often be presented with rich imagery and a nicely formatted title, summary, and link, instead of plain text. For instance, here is how Twitter would display a link to this tutorial series:

What is a Twitter Card

Twitter Cards are a metadata specification used by Twitter to display rich text, imagery, and video when links are shared on the service.

The full Twitter Card markup specification has many options, but you can start with the most basic information and expand from there.

To add basic Twitter Card metadata to your site, place the following <meta> tags in between your existing <head> and </head> tags:

Why you should care about Twitter Cards

Pages optimized with Twitter Cards get more clicks, likes, and retweets.


Because having an appealing image catches attention. And having a great title and description entices people to click on your snippet.

Doesn't Twitter generate these automatically?

They do—to some extent. But 99% of the time, Twitter picks a less-than-ideal image and shows a truncated title and description.

What are meta tags

If you're familiar with HTML chances are you have come across meta tags before. Metadata is data (information) about data. This means that the meta tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. This just means that it will not be displayed but it will exist in your pages source code.

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