How to fix H1 tag Missing or Not Optimized or empty Blogger/Blogspot
How to fix h1 tag missing or empty blogger ,Missing H1 Tag? Here's How to Overcome the Missing H1 Tag on the Blog – Missing the h1 tag on your blog? confused about how to solve it? just calm down in the article anutrickz will provide a solution to overcome this one problem.
What is H1 tag?
The H1 tag is the biggest and most important tag on every page of a blog or web site . This tag is used as an introduction to the content available on the page as a whole, i.e. to tell the name of an existing topic or to simply reflect the name of the page itself
Why is the H1 Tag Lost / Missing?
The most likely cause of missing h1 tags in Blogger is because the position of the h1 tag is replaced by your blog's logo.
Because the tag is overwritten by the logo, the Tool for checking your Blog SEO also identifies that the h1 tag is missing or simply missing . The tag is not on your blog page.
How to Overcome the Missing H1 Tag?
1. Removing the Blog Logo
To overcome this is quite easy, you only need to remove your site Logo. This method you can easily overcome from this problem.
2. By changing header widget code
You have to carefully remove your existing header widget code then add my code after save your theme.