Adding a copy button to pre tag with JavaScript

Adding a 'copy' button to 'pre' tag with JavaScript Pre content with copy button | copy button for all pre tags | Copy to Clipboard widget, Copy pre t

Adding a copy button to pre tag with JavaScript

Adding a copy button to pre tag with JavaScript
Adding a copy button to pre tag with JavaScript

Adding a 'copy' button to 'pre' tag with JavaScriptPre content with copy button | copy button for all pre tags | Copy to Clipboard widget, Copy pre tag to clipboard,Code snippet copy to clipboard,

If you are writing about code, you are likely to include some code blocks to complement what it is you are discussing or explaining. To improve the experience for the reader, you can consider highlighting the syntax to make it easier to read, and adding a “copy code” button to make it simply for them to copy and paste the code (a key developer skill)! I will show you to do the latter.

 In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a copy button to all <pre> tags in an HTML page.

Understanding  Pre blocks

The first step is to understand that Pre blocks using pre tags.


some code...


Adding a copy button to pre tag with JavaScript

  • The script part to find all the pre blocks having code in it and append a copy button to it dynamically.
  • The style part to place our copy button at the specified location(on top right of every code block in this case).

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That's all, hopefully it can be useful for all of you, thank you!. If you have any problem related to this tutorial, comment below and do not forget to share it.

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