Happy New Year 2021 Wishing Pop Up Widget - using CSS and HTML

new year wishing script for blogger, happy new year wishing script 2020, happy new year wishing script,Happy New Year 2021 Wishing Pop Up Widget

Happy New Year 2021 Wishing Pop Up Widget - using CSS and HTML

 Happy New Year 2021 Wishing Pop Up Widget

New Year 2021 Wishing Pop Up script

First of all I would like to wishes you Happy New Year 2021. How can I forget wishing my family a splendid new year? :D Today marks the sixth consecutive year of serving you all since 2008! That is indeed a long journey for a school going boy to a university graduate and the credit goes to this cute little family that I have online. We wish you all a new year full of abundant new zeal and joy, a year full of honest commitments and a year full of pleasant surprises. May you all have the best in life and I sincerely wish you all the Holy blessings that I wish for myself. You guys are the best! In order to dress up your blogs with beautiful near year greetings

Add it to Blogger

  1. Go To Blogger > THEME.
  2. Then Go to EDIT HTML.
  3. Scroll down then above </head>
  4. add this Following CSS.
  5. Then add this html codes below <body>

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1 comment
Thalapathy Fan December 24, 2020 at 2:23 PM
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