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Beautiful Hover Effect For Post Thumbnail Image Using Pure CSS - blogger/Blogspot

CSS is an amazing technology, with its help you can create truly amazing things. Using 'all that power' you can add any sorts of visual effects to your resource. So today we'll talk about CSS Image Hover Effects. We've prepared a round-up of tutorials for you to add some motion to your designs.

Beautiful Hover Effect For Post Thumbnail Image

How To Set Up Image Hover Effects?

The hover effect is power by CSS

1. From your blog’s Blogger page, go to Template > Edit HTML

2. look for the code  .img-thumbnail

3. Then add this css Transition value inside

4.then add this css line After  .img-thumbnail


5. Look For the code .img-thumbnail img

6.Then add this css Transition value inside 

transition:all .3s ease-in-out

How is the effect working on your blog ? I guess its great but if you are having any difficulties in applying this effect at any point drop your comments.

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