Designed By: @anutrickz
Version: 1.0.2-beta

How to Get Android P Volume Slider on Any Android

Android P Volume Slider

The only reason we’re all so excited to receive the latest version of Android is that of all the new features it brings. Google sent the Android fanbase into a whirlwind by releasing Android 9.0 P Developer preview this month, and users can’t get enough of what it has to offer already.
Not only will be the next major version of Android be fairly exclusive to the Pixel devices for the first few months, but it may not even make it to most of the Android devices. It only seems fair that you get to enjoy premium features like the Markup tool for doodling and the Quick Reply feature introduced with Android Oreo.

Install Android P Volume Slider

Android P Volume Slider1

Android P Volume Slider - P Volume Control
Yogesh DamaTools$0.99


  • Android P like Floating Volume Panel with default duration for it.
  • Volume Slider Position on the screen to reach out the seekbar easily
  • Color for Volume Notification bar and for Widget too.
  • Color option for Toggles icon on notification bar

How to use Android P Volume Slider

  1. Launch the app once it is installed. There are two special permissions you will be required to enable which are Do not Disturb and Screen Overlay. Apart from these, the app requires the Run at startup permission but you don’t have to manually enable it.
  2. Once enabled, you can start using the app already at default settings but you might want to change the slider position to right center.
Android P Volume Slider
Android P Volume Slider

  1. There are a bunch of other settings you can play around with such as changing the colors of the sliders and icon, the color of the persistent notification which contains the icons for the different volume channels, etc.
  2. Using the app is where you may need some help. You’d think that from now on when you press the volume button, you see an Android P-like slider. Here’s the catch, that doesn’t happen. You will still see the default Volume dialogue if you press the Volume buttons. To bring up Android P Volume slider, you’ll need to pull down the notification shade and tap on the icon of the volume channel you want to change the volume for.
Android P Volume Slider
Android P Volume Slider

  1. If you want to, you can also place the Android P Volume Slider widget on your home screen which is essentially the same thing you see in the notification tray. Simply using the Volume buttons may have been a lot easier but that’s currently the only way this works.
In any case, the developer has made the app available for free for users who download it from XDA Labs so there’s no harm in trying it out.
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